Hilo Track Modifications

Cost Calculations

Resources (Big Island Kart Club)

Letter to all BIKC and SCCA Members

Aloha fellow speed demons,

The following is an update on where we're at with Hilo track modifications.

We have decided that concrete provides a much bigger bang for the buck than asphalt.
Basically it boils down to not having to hire anyone to do the work. We have qualified
concrete people in the kart club to do all the work including preparing the surface with
a back hoe, setting up forms, pouring and finishing the surface. We have most of the
concrete working equipment and some forms materials. The major costs will be the
concrete and wire mesh. The current plan floating around is to do the prep work on a
weekend and pour cement during the week. It's $4/yard more expensive if delivered on
a weekend.

We will need volunteers during the pour which hopefully will be done in one day.

The most important part is the money. We cannot do anything unless we have the money
to pay for the wire mesh, concrete and whatever framing/forms materials that is needed. The kart
club has committed approximately $3800 plus backhoe, cement working equipment etc. SCCA has given $2000. Our cost calculations so far
indicate we need approximately $8000-8500 so we are short about $2200+.
See web site for details figures..

Here's the sales pitch....

We have the momentum going to get this done. If we delay or postpone it, who knows if the right
circumstances will exist 6 or 12 months down the road given the economy etc. Lets not get stuck
with the dreaded M section of the track (M = Mickey Mouse). We need to fix this piece of crap.
The chances of there being a new track or facility anywhere else on the island is about zero. The
Hilo facility is actually a great bargain with respect to user fees etc. Check out any other facility
anywhere. What we need is for everyone who has promised to donate money to send a check
to either Tom Sluder (kart club prez) or Barbara Archer (SCCA prez) ASAP. The money will be kept
in a joint account. We will use these funds only for cement, wire and whatever framing material that
is needed. We will not spend anything until we have what we need to complete the project. If the thing
falls through, the money is still there to be refunded. Please contribute what you can. It would be
a shame to let this opportunity fall through.

We have created a web page with the new track configuration, cost calculations etc. The final configuration
has not been determined but it will be similar to what is shown. It will be a huge improvement to the overall
fun factor.

Finally I hope it's obvious to everyone that we are not professional race track contractors. Please contribute you
ideas, comments, criticisms etc. Basically we just want to fix the track. Help us out here.


Tom Sluder - Big Island Kart Club  808-939-9746  tslider@hawaii.rr.com